

Team Raleigh Track


Team Raleigh Track

“Red and yellow, kill a fellow…”

Maybe that’s why I love these old Team Raleigh track bikes? There’s something venomous about them. Like some predatory beast, I loved looking at the old photos of British steel eating their competition alive on the boards. The last time I was in Melbourne, I shot another Northside Wheelers in-store display, classic racing track machine, that bright red Cecil Walker. They’re both the same owner, with an impeccable taste for steel race machines.

This one’s a keeper! See more for yourself in the Gallery!

The 2013 PiNP Calendar: November


The 2013 PiNP Calendar: November

This is the eleventh layout of the 2013 PiNP Calendar, entitled “Team Raleigh Track”. The camera and location are noted on the bottom left of the document.

The Team Raleigh track bikes might be one of the most iconic liveries in cycling. The classic yellow, red and black paint, mixed with a straight forward, no nonsense British craftsmanship lands these bikes in the grail category for collectors and enthusiasts alike. This bike in particular is built with Campagnolo pista, Cinelli and was raced in Victoria. Don’t worry, more photos of this beaut are coming!

Right Click and Save Link As – 2013 PiNP Calendar: November

Andy’s Euro Track with Campagnolo Pista


Andy’s Euro Track with Campagnolo Pista

I first met this bike back when FYXO was Fyxomatosis, in Japan and if I recall correctly, it had a little more white and a little more red paint covering its tight angles. There is no shame in a respray – although I did like the original paint – especially when you’re looking to give your favorite bike a facelift. Or in this case, make it a minimal race machine.

Last weekend, as I was hanging around Maison de Blanc, I asked Andy if I could shoot his Euro track bike. Maybe it was the bright white tape, or the supple and soft white Rolls saddle (which, by the way is pain to photograph without a polarizing filter), but it was just begging for some clever placement photos against his father’s tractor.

Modern, mixed with vintage Campagnolo, a FYXO track ring, impeccable paint and classic wheels… what else would you expect? Check out more in the Gallery!

Brooklyn Machine Works Gangsta Track


Brooklyn Machine Works Gangsta Track

The owner of this Gangsta track has been hanging around Shifter Bikes since he was in his early teens. Now, years later and he’s got an itch to ride his bike out from the city on a big, weekend ride. Before he could do so, he needed Dan to add bottle braze ons to the frame.

Now, the technique Dan used didn’t involve a torch, but it did involve a drill and a device called a Nutsert. More on that later. For now, let’s check out this rad Gangsta Track!