

Ross’ Custom Nagasawa Track Bike


Ross’ Custom Nagasawa Track Bike

At first glance, Ross’ custom Nagasawa track bike looks very similar to how it did two years ago. In the time that he’s had it, the bike has lightened up considerably due to the various titanium upgrades. A Ti seatpost, Ti stem, Ti Chris King, complete Phil Wood titanium kit and new wheels definately wasn’t cheap but it changed the overall feel of the bike. Since Ross commutes, he opted for front and rear brakes and I think that adds to the radness, especially on a custom built Nagasawa! Check out more in the Gallery!

Friday Night Lights


Friday Night Lights

After all the commotion surrounding that Boda Boda video last week, here’s one featuring a rider wearing a helmet and stopping at traffic signals. Is it as enjoyable to watch? I think so but I appreciate both videos for what they are. Definitely digging this though!




I’ve been getting over a wicked stomach bug this week. It’s not often that the blog is silent. Even putting up two posts yesterday took all my energy. While I could make multiple posts from these videos, I’ll just make it easier on you and me by putting them in one.

Enjoy more below!

Swobo Introduces the Divine for 2013


Swobo Introduces the Divine for 2013

With Swobo under new ownership, they’ve taken their single speed and fixed gear line back towards the States. The Divine is their new city fixed gear, made in the USA and shown here, as a PAUL Component build for around $1,800 dollars. They’ll also be offering up a Taiwanese parts build for around $1,200 but who can Resist some PAUL parts? Expect these to hit your LBS’ shelves in 2013. I dig it. Replace that stem, bar and saddle and that’s a nice looking build.

Check out some more shots below!

Yanco’s Waterford Track


Yanco’s Waterford Track

Yanco is one tough dude. He recently completed a 100 mile race. Which he ran and every time I’ve rode with him, he’s in the big ring the whole time. He’s also the fella behind all the Yancosaurus Rex products, like those slick Ramblin Rolls that no one can get their hands on… I shot a few photos of him and his Waterford track bike outside GSC while I was in LA. Check em out!

Click on the above photo to launch the gallery, or here to open in a new tab.