

NYC to MTL Trailer


NYC to MTL Trailer

Summer is here and that means road trips! Some just choose to ride their bikes:

“4 Days. Over 400 Miles.

11 people. Bike crews from NYC and Montréal. NYC: Chalet Magazine. MTL: The Starley Rover Society x Vélo iBike. Cyclists from Québec, France, England, Australia, Saskatchewan. Road bikes and Fixed Gear bikes, no brakes.

Start: La Colombe (SoHo, NYC).
Finish: Taverne Chez Normand (Plateau Mont-Royal, Montréal)”

I can’t wait to see more. That’s some beautiful countryside they rode through. The full-length premiered at the Jakalope Fest.

SF Randomness


SF Randomness

When I travel, I always have a camera on me and lately, it’s been a toss up between the Mamiya and the Leica. The only time I really carry my digital camera with me is if I am going to shoot a bike, or a shop, but in general, all my travel photos have been film. Which creates an overflow of randomness from each city I visit. Most of which don’t merit a post just by themselves. See some narrated photos of faces and places in the Gallery! Hey, if I don’t post them, they’ll sit on my hoard drive…

Cycles Trailer


Cycles Trailer

“Cycles” is a new trailer that interviews cycling figures in Italy. Beginning with Alberto Masi, a frame builder named Soldino Soldani and two different shops: Ciclistica in Milan and Iride Fixed in Modena.

Fyxation: Quiver Frameset Now Available


Fyxation: Quiver Frameset Now Available

When it really comes down to it, the way bicycles are characterized or described is a matter of a few degrees and centimeters. Finding that middle ground as far as angles, clearances and other key measurements isn’t easy. The Fyxation Quiver tries on the “jack of all trades, master of none” hat for size. Now, don’t read that as negative commentary, because you’d be surprised how similar the bikes in your own personal quiver are… Removable derailleur, cable stops and other design details make this a contender for the all-rounder market.

See more at Fyxation.